• 职场英语:十大最伟大的白手起家的成功故事(双语)

  • 发表时间:2014-04-23 12:00 | 巴黎女士女性时尚网 | 点击数:
  • 骆国清被抓最新消息 peggy梁婖婷 佟亚丽个人资料 六月天香琼蕊秀 中国大案录100集 簪缨世族 乐文 uibia是什么软件 南侠展昭大破地狱门 跤组词 dongman456 库汉村庄有几名npc 埃雷利恩的秘密 赵卓娜图片 刘刘的一亩三分地 邻家女孩秋津 阳澄湖出大水蛇图片 王尹平 竹子照 下贱夫妻奴 北方影院孽情记 鲜血喜宴 颜家忠烈抗狼牙
  •   They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. These inspiring figures had less than a lemon to start out with – and are now known for their sheer tenacity as they climbed to the top. We brings you the top 10 rags-to-riches success stories of all time。
      1. Henry Ford1. 亨利-福特
      Henry Ford was a farm boy who went on to revolutionize transportation industry in America. Ford was very interested in mechanics from a young age, when he dismantled and reassembled a pocket watch at the age of 15 his father had given him. A self-taught watch repairman who graduated to being an apprentice
      machinist, Ford started his personal experiments on gasoline engines which was the beginning of his vast Ford empire. And his net worth, as per Forbes in 2008, is a cool $188.1 billion。
      2. Walt Disney2. 沃特-迪斯尼
      Our childhood would have been dreary without this genius of a man. Walt Disney was also another boy brought up in a farm – and used to draw pictures for his neighbors for money. He used to be the cartoonist for the school newspaper, Disney went through the jobless phase where no one hired him, and his brother had to help him out with his job search. He went from rags to riches by starting out with advertisements and going on to animating his own cartoons。
      3. Ralph Lauren3. 拉夫-劳伦
      Born in a strict Jewish family with a house painter for a father, Ralph Lauren grew up with big dreams. He used to sell ties to his classmates to earn some cash, and he mentioned in his yearbook that he wanted to be a millionaire. His interest in ties went on help his put his foot through the door of bigger achievements in the fashion world. When he was signed on to design the clothes for ‘The Great Gatsby’ in 1974, he was catapulted into the fame which he commands today。
      4. Steve Jobs4. 史蒂夫-乔布斯
      This Apple founder is now a household name. Jobs was given away for adoption by his biological parents and he became interested in electronics after his foster dad showed him the joys of technical tinkering in their garage. He had to drop out of college, because his education was costing his foster parents a lot. He used to return Coke bottles for money and live on free meals at the Hare Krishna temple. A hippie who used to trip on LSD, Jobs went from a technician in Atari, Inc. to becoming the CEO of Apple Inc.
      5. Richard Branson5. 理查德-布兰森
      Branson went from being a dyslexic kid who performed badly in school to a British business magnate with a net worth of 4.6 billion. There was a time when Richard Branson started his record business from the crypt of a church – and now he is the fourth richest citizen of the UK. This entrepreneur is an example of how one can be eccentric and yet rake in the moolah. He had his finger in many pies – record label, airways and telecom。

    Tags: 骆国清被抓最新消息 peggy梁婖婷 佟亚丽个人资料 六月天香琼蕊秀 中国大案录100集 簪缨世族 乐文 uibia是什么软件 南侠展昭大破地狱门 跤组词 dongman456 库汉村庄有几名npc 埃雷利恩的秘密 赵卓娜图片 刘刘的一亩三分地 邻家女孩秋津 阳澄湖出大水蛇图片 王尹平 竹子照 下贱夫妻奴 北方影院孽情记 鲜血喜宴 颜家忠烈抗狼牙
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